Rose Flamingo (Phoenicopterus roseus)

Rose Flamingo

[order] PHOENICOPTERIFORMES | [family] Phoenicopteridae | [latin] Phoenicopterus roseus | [UK] Rose Flamingo | [FR] Flamant rose | [DE] Rosaflamingo | [ES] Flamenco comun | [NL] Flamingo


Genus Species subspecies Breeding Range Breeding Range 2 Non Breeding Range

Physical charateristics

It is the only species of flamingo breeding in the EU. Unmistakable, size more than 120 cm, extremely long-legged and long-necked, becomes successively whiter and gradually acquires pink, characteristic curved bill. Flamingos frequent shallow brackish and saltwater lagoons where they filter-feed on aquatic invertebrates, plankton and algae. During breeding, flamingos make mounds of sand or mud on which theiy lay their single egg. Migrant.

wingspan min.: 126 cm wingspan max.: 156 cm
size min.: 90 cm size max.: 120 cm
incubation min.: 28 days incubation max.: 31 days
fledging min.: 65 days fledging max.: 31 days
broods: 1   eggs min.: 1  
      eggs max.: 1  


Eurasia, Africa : widespread


Exceptionally restricted and well-defined, within tropical to Mediterranean zones. Frequents open, shallow lagoons, muddy, extensive lakes or deltas, coastal or less often inland, of highly saline or alkaline water (up to c. pH 11), not normally exceeding c. 1 m deep over substantial tracts. As bottom feeder, using mud layer, has ecological niche distinct from surface algae and diatom food resource of Lesser Flamingo and accordingly more limited in numbers. Requires large, undisturbed expanses, shifting restlessly from one part to another, normally in large flocks. Prefers not to mix with birds of other families. Successful mass breeding possible only in optimal conditions of water levels and biological productivity, failing which will remain on traditional area through successive seasons without breeding.


Egg-laying from mid-April in Mediterranean region. In Camargue, France, dependent on spring rainfall, temperature, and water level. Mauritania: late April to late May. One brood. Nest is built on damp, usually muddy ground. Sometimes in vegetated area, first cleared by trampling, tearing, and digging out of roots. Colonial; distance between nests c. 35 cm with most 20-50 cm. Nest: conical mound of sun-baked mud with shallow cup in top. When built of clay, diameter 30-35 cm, height 30-40 cm, surrounded by circular trench up to 20 cm deep, excavated for material; when of sand, may be only 10-15 cm high, with small or no trench; exceptionally only slightly raised bed of mud pellets.
Clutch: 1, rarely 2 eggs incubated for 28-31 days. Young fledge after 70-75 days. Most stay in cr

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