Tag: Slate-coloured Seedeater

Nesting behavior of the Slate-colored Seedeater (Sporophila schistacea) in Panama

Slate-coloured Seedeater (Sporophila schistacea) Science Article 2 abstract The nesting behavior of the Slate-colored Seedeater (Sporophila schistacea) is virtually unknown, and few nests have been described previously (Wetmore et al. 1984, Hilty & Brown 1986). This species is highly nomadic and tends to breed I in areas with large seed crops, particularly bamboo (Willis & […]

The Slate-colored Seedeater (Sporophila schistacea): a bamboo specialist?

Slate-coloured Seedeater (Sporophila schistacea) Science Article 1 abstract The idea of constant density and stable territoriality found in some tropical birds (Greenberg & Gradwohl1986) does not lend itse1f to species that rely on a short-term, unpredictable resource. One such resource is mast-seeding plants. Mast seeding is the synchronized production of seed at long intervals by […]

Slate-coloured Seedeater (Sporophila schistacea)

[order] PASSERIFORMES | [family] Thraupidae | [latin] Sporophila schistacea | [UK] Slate-coloured Seedeater | [FR] Sporophile ardoise | [DE] Schieferpfaffchen | [ES] Espiguero Apizarrado | [NL] Leigrijs Dikbekje Subspecies Genus Species subspecies Breeding Range Breeding Range 2 Non Breeding Range Physical charateristics The male Slate-coloured Seedeater is grey, with older males significantly darker than young […]